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Anti-Virus Protocol

Our world is filled with many viruses. We are simply focused on THE VIRUS right now. But the truth is your body is exposed to different viruses on a daily basis, and your body knows how to succeed in eliminating the threat to your health.

Your immune system is a complex defense operation that can succeed in eliminating viruses, bacteria, fungus, and cancer cells. The only thing your immune system needs is for you to provide the resources to maintain the proper function of the immune system. When you start to experience symptoms of illness - runny nose, sore throat, swelling, pain, increased temperature - your first response should not be panic, but make a priority to provide the resources so these symptoms can resolve quickly.


The Anti-Virus Protocol is no secret, and has already been demonstrated effective against the current virus challenge and all variants. As we move into the next flu season, you want to be sure you have these supplies on hand.


1) Vitamin C

The least expensive and most easily obtained supplement, and also very available in many fruits and vegetables. Vitamin C is THE nutrient that helps your immune system to knock out the bad guys. Vitamin C helps the immune cells to capture and digest any items that are not supposed to be inside you. When Vitamin C decreases, action of the immune system begins to decline.

During the first days of the COVID outbreak, medical doctors in China and South Korea reported significant improvement among patients who were given high doses of Vitamin C. Vitamin C is important to control inflammation and keep the immune system from getting out of control.

2) Vitamin D

Vitamin D is an essential nutrient of your immune system because this vitamin is able to enter the control center of your cell to “turn on” and “turn off” what needs to happen. Just like a chef in the kitchen controls the stove top for what heats up and what cools down, so Vitamin D is able to direct the priorities of the cell to make sure it functions just right.

In recent studies of hospitals admitting COVID patients, the majority of patients had a deficiency of Vitamin D. Those patients with a blood measurement less than 30 ng/ml of Vitamin D had the highest risk of death from COVID complications.

3) Zinc

Zinc is a vital mineral for immune function. It helps activate more than 200 different actions of body chemistry. One of these actions is to help the cell recognize what to produce and what not to produce. This is important when your cell gets a message to produce virus material. If more virus material gets produced then your illness will get worse. Zinc helps the cell to recognize that it should not make more virus material. This message is then removed and the cell health improves, which makes your health improve.

Additional Recommendations:

In addition to these three vital nutrients, there are specific actions you can take to speed the healing process, or even keep things in balance so illness does not start.

1) Heat Protocol - keep your neck warm with a scarf for as long as symptoms are present. This keeps the temperature of your neck warm, which helps the immune cells stay active in the fight. You can also drink hot teas to keep the neck warm and the throat soothed. Do not add sugar to tea!

2) Slow down - your immune system needs all the energy it can get to remove this illness quickly. Clear your calendar, ask for help, read a book, take a nap. Your body will thank you.

3) Drink water - Your body is mostly water. Make sure to keep a fresh supply so the chemistry of this war in your body gets resolved quickly. Dehydration is one of the most common symptoms treated in the hospital. Pure water without anything added is the best to drink.

More discussion on these points was posted in a previous blog:

The Presidential Protocol and What will you choose?

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