Nutrition Proportion

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Very few of us can claim whole food training when we were growing up. We know some foods are good for us, but a consistent lifestyle seems to be getting more difficult all the time. Even when we make nutritious meals a priority, life events can generate imbalances that can slowly take over our health.

In my personal journey, I grew up with many healthy foods on the family farm. Whole foods were regularly on the table and the family enjoyed good health for many years. As I grew up and lived on my own, convenience and a faster pace of life brought in more packaged food and quick meals. I was slowly beginning to gain weight and lose energy.

When I got married, my wife and I began to build a life together, which included cooking meals together, but I did not know how many nutrients we were missing out on. Then a health crisis brought our attention to the significant impact quality food sources have on our health. These sources changed our family forever.